The Comeback Mill

4:00pm SUNDAY 9.15, Camden Opera House - Auditorium


In Maine, where paper mills have long been central to communities, an architect and chemist embark on a multimillion-dollar project to repurpose a closed paper mill in Madison, transforming it into a wood fiber insulation manufacturing facility over four years.

Program Short
Section Dirigo Docs
Runtime 0:23
Country USA

Josh Gerritsen is a filmmaker based in Rockport, Maine. He has directed two feature films: Island Zero, a horror film that takes place on a remote island in Maine, and Magnificent Beast, a documentary about the relationship between humans and pigs. He grew up in Maine and made short films throughout his childhood, editing on VHS recorders in middle school. Like most young people, he couldn’t wait to move away from home. After four years at Skidmore College, he moved to New York City to work as a photographer. His plan was to live in NYC for decades, but reading “An Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollan changed his trajectory. He came to his senses and moved back to Maine. He ran a small farm and raised heritage cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens for four years. He came to his senses again and realized that farming is not his calling, it’s filmmaking. He has a passion for sustainability, passive house design, renewal energy, and electric cars. Other passions include rowing on the ocean with his sliding seat rowboat.

Theatre Screening
The Virtual Festival runs from September 16 - September 30 and is geoblocked to the US. Tickets will be available beginning on September 16.
Made in Maine!


Josh Gerritsen
Josh Gerritsen
Josh Gerritsen
Josh Gerritsen

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