Opening Night photo: Ben KrebsWould you like to be at the heart of the Camden International Film Festival this year?

Are you a well-organized, gracious person who likes working with the public?

We need a dynamic, engaging, responsible Festival Hub Manager who will be ready to welcome all attendees to CIFF. The Hub Manager will work for several hours each week starting in early August, with a daily commitment from Saturday, September 12, through Monday, September 21. The Hub Manager should have the use of a laptop during weekly production meetings and while working together with CIFF office staff.

The Hub Manager has three key areas of responsibility:

  • Sales: Managing the process of selling, assembling and providing passes for Festival participants, and overseeing the Festival pass database
  • Staffing: Determining Hub staffing requirements; communicating with, training and scheduling Hub volunteers
  • General Management: Setting up and managing the Hub, pass pick-up and pass-holder information centers; training volunteer staff in pass pick-up and database procedure

For complete details, visit To apply, please email Festival Producer Manette Pottle: [email protected].