That’s right, we’re hitting the road and heading to the Big Apple. CIFF will be co-presenting the NYC Premiere of the acclaimed documentary, The Way We Get By along with POV as part of the super fabulous Stranger Than Fiction Series at the IFC Center in Manhattan at 8PM on April 28, 2009.


The event is programmed by Thom Powers, a leading voice in the documentary world, and co-creator of the Cinema Eye Honors (which has a great new website if you have not checked it out lately), and produced by Raphaela Niehausen. You might remember her and her film, Miss Gulag from CIFF 07. Since then we’ve been wanting to collaborate on a screening and this film seems like the perfect fit. Interested in tickets? Get em here, and get em soon. This will sell out very fast!

We’ll have more info on the screening and an interview with Aron and Gita from The Way We Get By after their NYC Premiere!