Our programs are deeply rooted in the communities that we serve, and gifts of all levels matter. Your gift will help us continue to build a more vibrant, diverse, and creative community that supports the next generation of documentary storytellers. Thank you for your support!

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Donation Total: $500.00 One Time

To pay by check, please mail to Points North Institute, PO Box 836, Camden, ME 04843.

To donate stock, or to discuss a planned gift, please contact Elise McCave at, or call 207-200-3171. Points North Institute/Camden International Film Festival is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization (EIN 45-1622247). Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your support!

We take donor privacy very seriously. Please indicate in the notes when making your donation if you would like your listing to read a specific way, including as “Anonymous.”


Our programs are deeply rooted in the communities that we serve, and gifts of all levels matter. Your gift will help us continue to build a more vibrant, diverse, and creative community that supports the next generation of documentary storytellers. Thank you for your support!

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
Billing Details

Donation Total: $500.00 One Time

To pay by check, please mail to Points North Institute, PO Box 836, Camden, ME 04843.

To donate stock, or to discuss a planned gift, please contact Elise McCave at, or call 207-200-3171. Points North Institute/Camden International Film Festival is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization (EIN 45-1622247). Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your support!

We take donor privacy very seriously. Please indicate in the notes when making your donation if you would like your listing to read a specific way, including as “Anonymous.”


$100 – $499: CIFF Fan Club
2024 Cabin Fever Passes

$500 – $999: Sustainer
Two 2024 Cabin Fever Passes
Two tickets to the CIFF Summer Party (July 11, 2024)

$1,000 – $2499: Patron
All above benefits, plus:
Two 2024 CIFF All Access passes

$2,500 – $4999: Bronze
All above benefits, plus:
Additional two tickets for Cabin Fever so you can bring guests
Additional two tickets to the CIFF Summer Preview Party
Priority Queue passes to CIFF for two plus two additional All Access passes

$5,000 – $9999: Silver
All the above benefits, plus:
Invitation for two to Champagne Reception at CIFF

$10,000 – $24,999: Gold
All the above benefits, plus:
An additional pair of Priority Queue CIFF passes (4 PQ passes total + 2 AA passes)
Reserved seating on Opening and Closing Nights of CIFF

$25,000+: Diamond
All above benefits, plus:
Private excursion with a Filmmaker

$50,000+: Platinum
All above benefits, plus:
Private dinner with CIFF Filmmakers

View our 2023 donor benefits chart here.

The lighthouse tower at the Shotwell houses a new Digital Cinema Package (DCP) 4k laser projector for image quality that will amaze viewers from every spot on the site. We are incredibly grateful for the support we received for this project, from the donation of the DCP, to gifts that covered construction costs, to the hundreds of volunteer hours that went into making it happen. Thank you!

Thank you to our 2023 Annual Fund Supporters! (as of December 31, 2023)
Click here to view our 2023 Annual Report.
* Points North Founding Members

Platinum $50,000+

Andrea Meditch
Robyn & Bob Metcalfe

Diamond $25,000 +

Ann & Dick Costello *

Gold $10,000 – $24,999

Gail Catharine & John Bertuzzi
Evelyn & Gerry Isom *
The Katie McGrath & JJ Abrams Family Foundation
Caroline & Wayne Morong *
Gayle & David Noble *
Keri & Marvin Putnam
Cynthia & John Reed
Mary R. Saltonstall & John K. Hanson Jr. *
E. William Stetson III & Jane Watson Stetson

Silver $5,000 – $9,999

David Barry & Constance Gibbons
Stephanie L. Brown
Courtney & Shawn Buterbaugh
Sylvia de Leon *
Jonathan Fishman
Darrell & Øivind Lorentzen
Messler Family Foundation
Elizabeth Noble
Lars Perkins & Susan McConnell
Ronald Alan Stern & Elisse B. Walter
Sandra & Robert Taylor
Brinkley Thorne & Mazie Cox *

Bronze $2,500 – $4,999

Charles Altschul & Alla Broeksmit
Joanna & John Hampton
Skip Klein & Judy Sandler
LinLay Productions, Grace Lay
Heidi & Cabot Lyman
Emily & Jonathan McDevitt *
Jan & Mitchell McMillen
Julia S. Metcalfe
Patricia O’Toole
Kirsten & Dwight Poler
J.P. & Kaki Smith *
Urban Exodus
Caroline von Kühn
Susan & Rufus Williams *

Patron $1,000 – $2,499

Mashaal & Tammie Ahmadieh
Kit & Richard Aroneau
Bridget Besaw & Alex Amit
Paige & Mark Blake
Sheila Bodine
Meredith & Joe Callanan
Paul Cavalli & Jack McKenney
George Cooke & Laura Beckering
Miguel Gómez-Ibáñez
Sally & Tony Grassi
Alexandra Jiga & Geoffrey Abbott
Martha Jones & Christine Armstrong
Andrea Itkin & Ben Ellison
Anna Lockwood
Mackenzie & Drew Lyman
Geordie & Frederick Moon
Monika Navarro & Kirk Vader
Paul & Meg Quijano
Rick & Karin Rector
Judith Stein
Susan & John Summerville
Wendy & Bob Weiler

Sustainer $500 – $999

Tom & Mary Amory
Jo Anne Bander
John Cardellino
Pat Messler
Wrede Petersmeyer
Paul & Marty Rogers
Jonathan C. Rogers
Keiko & Matt Storin
Margaret F. Williams